Thursday, October 20, 2011

37 Description of Coursework

In dreams, the sky's the limit! This artwork, created using coloured tissue paper on traditional Thai lanterns, was made to remind viewers of the joy of childhood dreams. This joy is not as irrelevant in the stressful system of secondary school as it seems; rather, it is a joy that should, and does, remain in us. Lights inside the lanterns symbolize the flame that fuels our dreams. (These lanterns are, for now, earth-bound, but our dreams are not.)

Monday, October 10, 2011

36 Blackbird, Fly

I know grading for Art is over but I did this the other day and have become accustomed to posting anything art-related on this space. (That's a good thing, right?) Anyway in my boredom of mugging I decided to challenge myself by coming up with a wearable collection of clothes.

Sounds strange, but seeing as most of my inspiration comes from runways and couture and whatnot, my designs tend to be in the form of gowns and runway pieces- wearable, but for the red carpet, not your typical suburban shopping mall. So I came up with a couple of sundresses.

One thing that always intrigued me when I started trying to turn my hobby of fashion design into something more serious a couple of years ago, was how designers came up with prints. Before that I always squiggled curly lines where I wanted prints to go, and I assumed designers just blew up stock images from Google Images (hahahahaha, I know). Now I'm paying more attention to detail (eg. HOW TO DRAW LACE... still a novice at that, I'm afraid).

I've heard some designers design prints based on their own photographs, which they manipulate digitally. Sounds interesting, so I decided to try it myself. I've always got some prints in mind but I never really know how they'll turn out.
Using Paint, I came up with this strange gem shape. It looks kind of religious, doesn't it.

I coloured in this hummingbird illustration (from Google...) using the watercolour tool on Paint, with reference to kingfishers. I know, I know, my references are all over the place.

I took this screenshot cos I thought it looked funny, like birds were attacking Powerpoint.

I like the background blue, and the hummingbird turned out lovely, but the gem shape looks kind of strange. I thought it would be nice to have a few not-quite-white gems falling in the middle of the birds but bleh, I probably got bored and dumped this strange symbolic-looking... thing instead.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

35 All Hands on Deck!

I've been at it again, doing product photography and making spreads... during EOYs...

Friday, September 30, 2011

34 A Night For Inspiration

is the antithesis of

the world
is in flames,
and you
just sit there,
the comics.

all collages and captions from

33 A Lack of Focus

above are two samples of artwork by eric blum, whose paintings caught my attention via clothes horse.  it's quite curious because his chosen medium is heated beeswax, pigments and watercolour; are they still paintings? for me i thought they were photographs, blurred on purpose. if you look for a long time your eyes start to seek out shapes; for me, it's chandeliers in an old diner/cafe for the first picture on top, and cars stuck in traffic for the second! it'd be quite interesting to see what different people make of it.

as for me, i love taking pictures blurred on focus... unartistic as they may be...
a picture of mine from the art trip to SAM last year

Monday, September 26, 2011

32 In The Gallery...

Today my friends and I took a stroll around the art gallery during recess and took a minute by my lanterns. Credits to Fiona for helping me take these artistic shots with her phone. (The wonders of technology!)
with a 'dreamy' effect- how apt
the blue one's looking a little deflated*
*I suspected this to be because I didn't iron the blue and green lanterns, but another point my mother suggested is a lack of starch (from the glue), since the red lantern has considerably more/larger elements than the others, which feature mostly dreamcatchers which are drawn on with pen and hence require no glue.

And Then There Was Light. props to Mr Chang for helping me set up the light bulbs

31 InStyle Sketches

The very first fashion magazine I bought was InStyle back in December 2008. I've been a loyal follower since. Recently I bought a quintessential pack of yellow Post-Its, and celebrated a particularly drowsy morning with a fake cover.

I used to make fake covers of friends and family using Photoshop to frame for presents.

Last year I used my tablet to draw this (on reflection, very ghastly) sketch of Diane Kruger's InStyle UK cover. It's kind of embarrassing, but a testimony to how InStyle's stayed with me all this while.
next up: pictures of the lanterns!